Audio Resources
These audio resources include mindfulness exercises, relaxation exercises, and more, that we use with our clients.
The can be especially beneficial for clients in our DBT Program (of which mindfulness is a key component), and in our Anxiety Program (where learning to recognize emotion and practicing relaxation skills is crucial).
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
This relaxation exercise reduces stress and anxiety by releasing muscle tension. By tensing and releasing muscle groups one by one, you can also learn to notice more muscle tension in your daily life, cueing you into this important symptom and cause of anxiety. This practice is used in both our DBT program and anxiety program.
Mindful Emotional Awareness
Mindful emotional awareness is an important skill. Before we can change our emotions, we have to learn to recognize what we feel, when we feel it. This exercise can help you get started, and is an important skill in our anxiety treatment program. This practice is used in both our DBT program and anxiety program.
DBT Mindfulness Practice:
Stone Flake on a Lake
This mindfulness technique is a brief visualization exercise, intended to increase peace, calm emotions, and heighten awareness of “wise mind” (an important DBT concept). This practice is used in our DBT program.
DBT Mindfulness Practice:
Spiral Staircase
This meditative exercise reduces anxiety and stress, and increases peace. Try rating your anxiety on a scale from 1-10 before the exercise, and after completing it. Mindfully notice the improvement, and appreciate the difference (even if the reduction in anxiety is small). This practice is used in both our DBT program and anxiety program.
DBT Mindfulness Practice:
“Is This Wise Mind?”
This exercise focuses on accessing your "wise mind," an important concept in DBT. A synthesis of emotion and reason, wise mind allows us to find the best course of action without being emotionally reactive, or emotionally avoidant. This practice is used in both our DBT program and anxiety program.
DBT Mindfulness Practice:
Sensory Awareness
This mindfulness exercise focuses on the observation of sensory information. An important aspect of the DBT mindfulness "observe" skill, paying attention to our sensations can help focus our focus, attention, and ability to remain in the present moment. This practice is used in our DBT program.
DBT Mindfulness Practice:
Body Scan Meditation
This meditation exercise is used in our DBT program. Designed to connect you more fully to your body, this sequence will ground you in the present moment, increase bodily awareness, and reduce anxiety. This practice is used in our DBT program.
DBT Mindfulness Practice:
Joyful Memory Meditation
This mindfulness exercise improves mood and increases mindfulness of the present moment. Mindfully notice any changes in mood you may experience throughout this visualization exercise. This practice is used in our DBT program.
DBT Mindfulness Practice:
Loving Kindness Meditation
This mindfulness exercise is designed to improve mood, increase joy, and increase peace. This sequence focuses on acceptance using visualization techniques. This practice is used in our DBT program.
DBT Mindfulness Practice:
Non-Judgmental Meditation
This mindfulness exercise is designed to help you use the “How” skill of nonjudgmentally. It focuses on noticing instead of judging any thoughts and feelings that may arise over the course of the exercise. This practice is used in our DBT program.